time is still flying by. she's already 3 months and things are changing quickly! she
still likes to be swaddled at night
is actually not sleeping so well :/ the last 2 weeks she's been getting up around 2/3, back to sleep (sometimes not so willingly), up an hour and a half later, brandon pops her paci in, back up another hour and a half later... it's a mess. so now we put her to bed a bit earlier
hates naps. LOATHES them. 45 minutes and she's up
likes the paci again
eats like a champ- still about every 2.5-3 hrs.
gets one bottle a day
isn't too keen on new people holding her
LOVES to talk. she's found her voice and loves exercising it
smiles like crazy
still loves to be bounced & rocked
is obsessed with the sound machine
calms down with a stroll around the block
tries to grab things-- takes all her concentration, but she's successful sometimes
doesn't hate tummy time as much ( i wont say she necessarily
likes it)
isn't that interested in rolling over yet
likes to hang by herself, gets a little overwhelmed with too many people
loves to read
stares at her mobile (this makes me very happy since we made it)
sucks her hands like it's going out of style (sometimes sucks her top lip)
has the best pout face
Happy 3 Months!! |