Monday, November 22, 2010


let's go all the way back to week 5 (so pretty much right after we found out the exciting news):

Needless to say, my stomach does not look like THAT anymore. Move right along to 17 weeks, then 18 weeks (tonight actually). The in between pics are not terribly exciting. It seemed like around 11 weeks she started to grow quite a bit and now I feel like I'm getting bigger by the second.

i always thought erin was crazy when she said she felt HUGE when she obviously wasn't, but i get it now. and my stomach itches like whoa. TMI? i think not, i'm just being honest. apparently my skin is not used to stretching like this. awesome.


  1. Hooray!!
    There is nothing I love more than a fun belly progression pic.
    Love your precious-daughter-bump!!!

  2. Hooray is right! Love the pics and I love that you now understand what its like to feel "huge" even when you're really not. Very cute baby bump :) Put some lotion on your belly...nothing special just lotion. That will help the itching.

  3. Not gonna lie, Coco is pretty teary looking at these beautiful pics! Love, love, love your sweet BGH bump and love, love, love you too!

  4. Yippeeeee!! You have the cutest baby belly ever! It's preceding the cutest baby girl ever! :o)
