Tuesday, March 29, 2011


had our 36 week appt. today and everything is coming along. fin's super low and i'm almost 2 cm dilated. i was a little nervous that i wouldn't have made any progress, but we're moving right along! dr. p didn't say anything about thinking she may come early, but i know erin thinks she will. the dr. went over when to come in (like if i have contractions 5-8 minutes apart or my water breaks) and its weird to think that i'm already there. this really has flown by. still praying she stays in for another couple weeks. we had a heart to heart the other day. i told her that while we SAY we can't wait to meet her, we really can. and she can take her time and bake as long as possible. hopefully she'll listen.

i weigh about 117 lbs so i've gained 23 lbs so far. i should gain about a lb a week from here on out so if that's the case and she comes around her due date i'll have gained about 26lbs. it really is all in my stomach. i think my face is a tad bit chubbier, but everyone insists that it's not.

i think i'll miss being pregnant--it really hasn't been bad at all-- but i am looking forward to eating whatever i want and being able to see my feet. most women eat whatever they want while their pregnant but since i have GD i am pretty aware of what i'm eating. which is a lot different for me. i have a whole new appreciation for people who go on diets and/or have diabetes.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Thanks for the update!! So glad to hear all is coming along well, and Fin is preparing to meet us...hopefully in a few weeks! :o) Your face definitely isn't any chubbier and you look A.mazing!! Can't wait to see you all!! Hugs!
