she's heeeeeeeeeere!!!!
if you're reading this i know you already know, however, it's just a little exciting. i'm going to try to keep up with the blog as best as possible so i can look back at it. everyone says it goes so fast and i already see that. sat. - tues. has flown by. but lets start back at sat. no, friday.
friday i went to work as usual and planned out everything for next week just in case. i thought if i end up being at work at least it'll be fairly easy b/c i've put everything together for the whole week. i was wrapping things up after school (trying not to stay too late) and talked to a few people. several people said i was definitely not going to make it to work the following monday. i was hopeful (to NOT be at work, not the other way around), but really thought i'd make it through the weekend. tamara even gave me a hug before she left she was so sure i wasn't coming back. and call it kids' intuition, but the kids were way clingier when they were leaving then normal. they were hugging on me, writing me notes, hugging and kissing on finley (my stomach of course) and saying "bye finley!! we love you finley!!" which they've never done before. at home brandon and i were super busy, like we had a feeling too. we got tons done around the house and i really wanted to make chocolate chip cookies so we ran some errands and made cookie at about 9:00 pm.
saturday morning i woke up at about 6:15 with a major cramp. a feeling i'd never had before, but once again didn't think i would be having a baby on saturday. they kept coming about every 15-20 minutes so i wake brandon up and say "i think you should put the car seat in and get your bag together." his eyes popped open and just as quickly shut as he slept for another hour or so. meanwhile, i got up and started walking around to see if that would stop them or what. had a little breakfast, paced some more and then finally REALLY woke brandon up.
i called mom to see what she thought was going on and called my doctor. mom really thought this could be it and even though i told her not to jump in the car and come, she did. turns out its a good thing. pretty soon after mike and mom got here, mom convinced me to head to the hospital-- around 2:30. my contractions were coming about 5 minutes apart and a bit more painful.
on the way out the door to the hospital. you can't see my kung fu grip on brandon's back, but it's there. this is mid contraction. |
checked in to the hospital and sge asked if i was there for a tour. i told them i THINK i'm in labor and after she examined me she said i was 5 cm and having a baby today!!! that was actually more shocking than if she had sent me home. i really just thought it was false labor or something. i guess i thought contractions would be more painful. not that they didn't hurt. they did. i definitely had to stop what i was doing and breathe. but on tv and movies people are like ripping their hair out and screaming at the top of their lungs. granted, i did get an epidural so i'm sure it was about to get a lot worse. lucky for me, everything went quick and smooth.

cut to the chase i progressed well, got my feared epidural, and started pushing around 6:45. at 7:15 our beautifully perfect daughter came screaming. i of course started crying and couldn't believe she came out of me. still can't. our few days in the hospital were smooth and being home has been good too. i'll do another riveting blog entry about life at home.
mark your calendars, april 16 is finley's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
ta-da!!!! my delivery nurse was just as excited as we were. and she was glad she was there for the actual birth, since her shift was over at 7. she didn't want to see me through 99% of it and miss the best part! |