Thursday, September 29, 2011


welcome to my first tutorial! babylegs are essentially baby leg warmers and they're stinking adorable. jenna gave fin some and i love them, but she hasn't gotten to wear them too much since it's still a million degrees outside. i like them though b/c first of all they're cute and secondly they make diaper changes easy. however, they're like $10-$15 so i didn't really want to buy her more, but then i saw how to make them online. so. easy. allow me to show you.

all you need is a pair of knee high women's socks, scissors, needle and thread. so since i had everything but the socks this was super cheap. i got the socks at target for $2.50. i washed and dried them first.

1. cut the foot part off the sock, right above the heel.

2. flip them inside out and fold over a small hem.

3. whip stitch the hem and voila! babylegs!! i made one pair yesterday and 2 pairs today during her nap. 2 pairs took me about 30 minutes. the longest part is threading the needle and tying a flipping knot.

then fin wanted to model them.

not too sure about the argyle ones.

sorta feeling the bright orange tigers.

loving the blue polka dots! or maybe it's the ruby shirt.

1 comment:

  1. You.are.awesome. Those are the cutest things ever! And Fin's the best little model. Adorableness.
