Monday, February 20, 2012


she just wants to stand


she's such a sponge now!
*waves hi and bye
*plays peek
*takes 2 naps about an hour each
*fights her 2nd nap baaaaad
*loves to eat! eats whatever we're having. she loves pork chops, tacos, tomatoes, chicken, black beans, broccoli, yogurt, anything really
*goes to bed around 7. doesn't fall asleep with her bedtime bottle anymore. she seems pretty wide awake when we lay her down, but she puts herself to sleep quickly (and quietly!)
*loves to dance
*loves little gym and exploring all the equipment
*stands on her own for a few seconds
*wants to stand most of the time
*has to bottom teeth and 2 top teeth are coming through. she's been a trooper through teething. a little fussy, but not unbearable.
*loves to push things off the coffee table
*sleeps 11-12 hrs a night
*her hair's growing fast! still a light brownish color. looks a little red in the sun, looks dark brown other times.
*plays with her hair to fall asleep
*likes her big girl car seat better
*chews on EVERYTHING, including the coffee table and her crib.
*loves books, mirrors, her stuffed hippo, music
*doesn't really eat baby food anymore. if she's not in the mood to eat what we're having she'll eat her purees.
*mimics us
*might be trying to say "night night", it's hard to tell :)
*loves to walk with her walker
*loves ruby's ears
*shakes her head "no" and for "yes" too
*does not like the swings at the park, but likes to go and check things out

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