Monday, March 19, 2012


this is such a fun age. everyday she pulls out a new trick. at 11 months she...

*takes a few steps on her own! only about 3-4, but it's a great start
*points to brandon and says "da da"
*crawls herself to the bathroom when she hears the bath water running
*will get her baby, dog, ball and book when you ask her to
*claps, waves, points, tries to brush her hair with her brush, plays peek a boo with just about anything
*tries to say "hot", "hat", "night night", "bye"
*tries to moo, hiss, baaa, bock
*stands everywhere
*loves her bath, but not getting her hair washed
*has kinda crazy hair in the back! not sure if its b/c it's getting "long", but it's a little curly back there!
*sleeps till about 7:30 now! thank you time change. that means she also stays up till about 7:30/8
*still hates her afternoon nap, but it's a tiny bit better since the time change
*now takes a nap around 10:30-12, and the afternoon is always a surprise
*eats everything we do. every.thing. looooves spaghetti, waffles, peas, mango, kiwi, and grapes-- although one night she had a few too many grapes and they revisited her in the middle of the night. :(
*is going through  a vegetarian stage. not too big on meat right now. well, unless it's in spaghetti. doesn't really like fish.
*has 3-4 bottles. recently just 3 around 7:30am, 3, and 7:45.
*puts herself to sleep at night. thankfully she's done that for a long time now.
*loves to snuggle! brandon always makes fun of me b/c ruby is such a snuggler and now finley is. he says i raise snugglers. i'm ok with that.
*is starting to play with her toys like they're supposed to be played with.
*loves little gym and storytime at the library
*loves to "kick" balls
*says "no no no" and wags her finger. "no" isn't exactly right, but you can tell what she's trying to say

1 comment:

  1. And what a personality Fin has! She is sweet, a bit adventurous and already has a sense of humor. Her eyes sparkle and I love her smile and sweet soul. She babbles and I enjoy every moment with her. It's so much fun to see her reading books, playing with her toys, eating new foods and snuggling with her mommy and daddy. Love you sweet Fin!
