Thursday, May 5, 2011


when people say "it goes by so fast!" they're not kidding. i can't believe it's already been almost 3 weeks. 3 weeks have never gone by faster. everyday flies by. i guess that happens when you spend them feeding, changing, rocking and admiring. and who knew you could fall in love with someone so fast?

things are still going smoothly (knock on wood). she's certainly more alert during the day and really doesn't like to take naps in the morning. i try to not let her stay up for more than 2 hrs at a time, but she doesn't want to miss anything that's going on. i promise her that she's not going to miss anything. that i too am going to close my eyes as soon as she does. i'll take one for the team and not do anything terribly exciting, but apparently she doesn't believe me. right now she's taking her first nap in her crib. i thought maybe i should try to introduce her crib a little at a time. i took advantage of her being exhausted (and full) when we got back from the doctors. she's not too fussy on a daily basis--only if she really needs something. when she gets worked up she really gets worked up. we're talking snorting, screaming bloody murder, who knew her mouth could get that wide.
first nap in her crib!
at night we've been experimenting to see what gets us the most sleep. :) since she's gaining weight we don't have to wake her up in the middle of the night to eat, she can just let us know. so we usually put her to bed bed around 10 or 11. she sleeps for 3-4 hrs, eats, goes back to bed (most of the time very easily), and sleeps another 2-3 hours. i think she's actually a pretty good sleeper at night so far. we have a routine down and she LOVES the sound machine. we have surround sound b/c she has one going near her and we have our own. 

brandon went back to work this week. i would of course much rather him be here with us, but we're so lucky that he could take 2 weeks off. he's been going in at 6:30 like he has for a long time, but now he actually leaves at 4:30 like he "should." fin loves when he gets home. i think she gets tired of just me all day. it's definitely harder by myself. harder meaning when am i supposed to eat? or go to the bathroom?

this is the face she made at the doctors today after she was poked and prodded.

we had her 2 week appt. today and i can't say enough good things about our doctor. she'll just stay in the room with you as long as you want. she's someone you want to get cofee with. love. her.  so anyways, our little oinker is 8 lbs. 2 oz! dr. eddings said she would have been happy with just 7 lb. 3 oz. our little over achiever. :) her head is 14 and she's 20.75 inches long. she came out at 20. dr. said she's still perfect! and they also pricked her heel which she was NOT a fan of.

other things finley's not a fan of:
diaper changes

hm...that might be it right now. time really is flying by.

1 comment:

  1. yay for a Fin update! I love that you are going through what I went through a month ago -- it makes me feel better :) She will continue to be awake more and more and it's so fun! And yes, I too was very confused at first about how to use the bathroom and eat...but it gets easier every day!
