Monday, January 17, 2011


she. is. a dancing queen!

i think you can see when she's moving. i can see it, but i also know my stomach doesn't usually move like that. :) sorry it's a weird angle.

sure this keeps me up at night, but i think i'll miss it in a few months when she's out. it'll be great to actually SEE her doing all these kicks and punches, however, it's nice to have company all day everyday. another thing that wakes me up are charlie horses. now THOSE i will not miss.

we've read that whatever music she hears now quite a bit she'll like when she's out. that we could actually play it or sing it when she was upset and it would make her feel better. my fear was we were going to have to sing the days of the week and months of the year songs b/c that's what she here's EVERYDAY when i'm at school. maybe i'll start playing the songs that are on this blog to her every night. they're a little more enoyable.

1 comment:

  1. I can watch this over and over again! I love seeing my sweet grandbaby growing so big. I will never forget that fantastic feeling when I was pregnant with you and you would move. What a miracle it all is! I do think you may miss it, it's something special just you and her have right now. But then her presence in your arms will fill your heart right up!
