Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today was probably the first time temptation was surrounding me. I had to go into Old Navy to exchange something for b and of course there were signs all over the place exclaiming just how cheap and fantastic everything is right now. If there is anything I love more than shopping, it's sale shopping. I get quite the high when I snag shoes that are normally $250 for $20 (true story by the way--those Cole Haan heels are to die for). I did very well though if I do say so myself. I walked straight to the boxers, grabbed what I needed and headed right to the check out line eyes forward. I'm not gonna lie, the line was long so my eyes did take a swift look around and saw a few things that I would normally purchase. AND Target is right next to ON and I drove right past it without even batting an eye.

If I can pass up an Old Navy clearance, surely I'm off to a good start. I can honestly say it wasn't even THAT difficult.

1 comment:

  1. Love the countdown clock! And I'm so impressed with your sale snub ability!
